Japanese Beech Fern (Phegopteris [Thelypteris] decursive-pinata)

PHegopteris decursive-pinnata.jpg
PHegopteris decursive-pinnata.jpg
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Japanese Beech Fern (Phegopteris [Thelypteris] decursive-pinata)


This has to be one of the most well-behaved and spectacular species in a genus full of redundant-looking aggressive thugs (at least from a zone 9 perspective). I am not a keen lover of Thelypteris but this one is truly distinctive with fuzzy tawny down adorning the narrow erect pinnatifid blade. The pinnae (leaflets) are broadly attached to the rachis (stem), seemingly as if they had wings. Hence this condition is referred to as a winged rachis and gives this fern the common name I prefer of Winged Beech Fern. The short creeping rhizome keeps the fronds closely bunched in neat tufts. Plants grown in a fair bit of sun become an eye-catching brilliant yellow-green.

Frond Condition: Deciduous; colonizing

Mature Height: 12-24”

Origin: Eastern Asia

Cultural Requirements: Part Shade to Full Shade, Evenly Moist

USDA Zone 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

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