Makinoi's Holly Fern (Polystichum makinoi)

Polystichum makinoi
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Polystichum makinoi
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Makinoi's Holly Fern (Polystichum makinoi)


This is definitely one my favorite medium sized evergreen ferns for the woodland garden. There is a reptilian sheen to the olive-green linear-lanceolate fronds which blends subtly into the varied straw to chestnut colored scales cloaking the supporting framework. The individual pinnae consist of obtuse oval-shaped pinnules having a neat clipped look due to a slight edge curl punctuated with short spine-tipped accents. This fern should be a standard in every woodland garden.

Frond Condition: Evergreen
Mature Height: 2'
Origin:  Eastern India, southern China, Japan, Phillipines
Cultural Requirements:  Partly Shaded, Full Shade, Evenly Moist, Slightly Moist
USDA Zones: 5,6,7,8,9

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